Gallery System Requirements

This page summarizes the software and hardware requirements for working with Brightcove Gallery, as well as requirements for Brightcove Players.

To work with the Gallery module, your computer should meet the following requirements.

  Windows PC Mac
Operating System

Windows 10
Windows 8

macOS 10.13 or newer


Firefox - latest version
Chrome - latest version
Edge - latest version

Firefox - latest version
Chrome - latest version
Safari - latest version


[1] Older browser versions may still function. Brightcove does not test and verify full compatibility with all browser versions.

Port and domain access

In addition, please check that all required ports and domains used by Video Cloud can be accessed by your network. For a complete list, see Domains and Ports that Must Be Accessible to Video Cloud.

Brightcove Player Requirements

The Brightcove Player system requirements can be found here.