Reviewing In-Page Experience Calls-to-Action Analytics

In this topic you will learn about the In-Page Experience calls-to-action analytics that are available.

The calls-to-action analytics provide analytics on the clickthroughs and form conversions for an In-Page Experience. To review the calls-to-action analytics, edit the experience and click Experience Analytics > Calls-to-Action in the left navigation.

Selecting a time span

To specify the time period for the report, you can click on a quick date or use the calendar control.

Using a quick date

A series of quick dates are at the top of the page. The following quick dates are available:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days
  • This month - The calendar month to date - for example, if today is March 17, this report will display March 1 - March 17
  • Last month - The previous calendar month - for example, if today is February 14, this report will display January 1 - January 31.
quick dates

Click on a quick date to update the report.

Using the calendar control

You can also select a start and end dates by clicking on the calendar control.

date selector

Click Apply to update the report.

Reviewing clickthroughs analytics

Clickthroughs analytics tracks the interactivity in an In-Page Experience. The following objects will trigger clickthroughs analytics to be tracked:

  • Link interactions configured with a link URL
  • Card interactions configured with a link URL
  • Image components configured with clickable URLs

To review the clickthroughs analytics, click Experience Analytics > Calls-to-Action in the left navigation and then click Clickthroughs in the page header.

The clickthroughs analytics will display the following data for the experience:

  • Call-to-Action Name - The name of the call-to-action:
    • Links - Displays the link title
    • Cards - Displays the card title
    • Images - Displays the name assigned during creation
    • Custom HTML - Displays the name assigned during creation
  • Updated - The last updated date and time for the interaction
  • Type - Type of interaction, link or card
  • Impressions - The number of times the interactivity was displayed (with cards, an impression is recorded when the card icon () appears; the card doesn't have to be displayed for an impression to be recorded)
  • Clickthroughs - The number of times a link was clicked, a link in a card was clicked, or a clickthrough URL on an image component was clicked
  • Clickthrough Rate (%) - The percentage of viewers that clicked a link (Clickthroughs divided by Impressions)
clickthrough analytics

Reviewing form conversions analytics

Form conversions analytics tracks the form submission and custom HTML link activity in an In-Page Experience. The following objects will trigger form conversions analytics to be tracked:

  • Forms that are submitted from HTML companion components
  • Forms that are submitted from custom HTML components
  • Clickable URLs within custom HTML components

To review the form conversions analytics, click Experience Analytics > Calls-to-Action in the left navigation and then click Form Conversions in the page header.

The form conversions analytics will display the following data for the experience:

  • Call-to-Action Name - The name of the component (name is assigned when the component is added to the experience)
  • Updated - The last updated date and time for the component
  • Type - Type of interaction (HTML companion components are indicated with a () icon
  • Impressions - The number of times the component was displayed
  • Form Conversions - The number of times a form was submitted or a URL within a custom HTML component was clicked
  • Form Conversion Rate (%) - The percentage of viewers that submitted a form (Form Conversions divided by Impressions)
form conversion analytics